quote: | Originally posted by lacedpills
Once again, the double standard is painfully obvious. This site is full of loosey goosey moderating and you're acting like there's specific rules to follow. If I was suspended 2 weeks for saying "overreaction much" while others can make even worse comments, what does that say about the officiating here? |
There ARE specific rules we follow, the only difference is that we can't all interpret them the same way. Also, some of us sometimes are willing to overlook these rules if someone is a first offender, and if we believe anything more than a warning is too harsh given the context.
You're not the first person suspended in TA history, and I wasn't even the first person ever to suspend you. I will keep telling you this until you get it.
quote: | Originally posted by lacedpills
There's no point in having this thread of randomness if I can't even make a harmless post without someone telling me to stfu. I clearly told you I had nothing against you and that God bless you, and you still came with malice. What more do you want me to do? |
Me? I want you to either stop trolling and being such a cry-baby about your last suspension or just do as you promised and leave for good if you really can't help it. We got it the first hundred times: You're the messenger God dropped from his back pocket and you landed head-first on Earth. The world is a bad place because people loathe your existence. In short, deal with it or shut the fuck up.