Registered: May 2008
Location: The Pacific Northwest, of course
Also I need a nice pair of running shorts with zippers on the pockets for my cellphone/keys. My running pants are nice, but they slip down my ass now.
I ran today with a light vest to hold my kit, but shit, it was too warm.
Apr-18-2013 03:21
Vivid Boy
TA's GodFather
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: T.O
haha i cant use propecia. I wish I could I have seen it work on some people.
However, I have tried it and it has cause a lot of dick pain. I don't need my hair that bad.
Apr-18-2013 03:22
Silky Johnson
International Playa Hater
Registered: Nov 2003
Lmfao @ dick pain!!
Apr-18-2013 03:23
Joss Weatherby
Registered: May 2008
Location: The Pacific Northwest, of course
Originally posted by Vivid Boy
haha i cant use propecia. I wish I could I have seen it work on some people.
However, I have tried it and it has cause a lot of dick pain. I don't need my hair that bad.
It causes dick-pain?
wtf... You know MPB is caused by a higher than normal testosterone level right? That shit is making your dick shrink.
I'll stick to being bald, enjoying my modestly sized penis, and never having to buy cialis.
Apr-18-2013 03:24
Silky Johnson
International Playa Hater
Registered: Nov 2003
Why do all the lulz have to happen when I need to go to bed? :/
Apr-18-2013 03:27
Vivid Boy
TA's GodFather
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: T.O
like pain to the point i was walking like someone kicked me in the dick.
with 0 boners. I was not me. That shit was poison. I don't know if its made to scare your pubic hair onto your head but fuck that. I took it for 2 days and tossed that shit in the trash.
Apr-18-2013 03:27
Joss Weatherby
Registered: May 2008
Location: The Pacific Northwest, of course
I would cry tears from my dick if I couldn't get a boner.
Apr-18-2013 03:40
Ancient BassAddict
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: Brasília, Brazil
Originally posted by Joss Weatherby
I would cry tears from my dick if I couldn't get a boner.
Actually, your bonerlessness would probably make your dick uncryable
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Apr-18-2013 05:19
tranceaddict in training
Registered: Apr 2013
Location: Tartu
Lira, you go full emo-mode when cumming?
Apr-18-2013 06:28
Ancient BassAddict
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: Brasília, Brazil
I actually call "him" Goethe, so that whenever I have sex, I have the coital version of the proto-emo romantic movement called "sturm und drang". Or, as my Goethe calls it, "sturm und bonk".
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Apr-18-2013 07:24
Vector A
Your petrochemical arms
Registered: Apr 2011
Location: U.S.
It seems like it must have kind of sucked to learn languages in the past, especially for speaking. These days I can get online and most of the time be talking to a French speaker within half an hour.
Apr-18-2013 12:07
Joss Weatherby
Registered: May 2008
Location: The Pacific Northwest, of course
Don't sleep well, wake up early to do paper, first class moved rooms, spend 15 minutes wandering around in a horde with classmates looking for right building/room, teacher isn't even at the presentation and it's standing room only and 90f inside, skip it, wander around for 30 minutes pestering army recruiter, get to this class find out we have all period to do paper. Fml.