I experienced Astral Projection last week, I am almost certain I discovered a young Ensemble of Spheroidal Galaxies by Cosmological Shearing in the Southern Sky (from earth). I was launched from coordinates close to Mexico or Central America. Reached an angle where I could see the Northern Celestial Dome downwards and an immense Beautiful Cluster underneath. The (Crab) Nebula was not in focus. I woke up and saw all clocks resettled at home.
The Cluster experiences weak gravitational lensing effects, and it was surrounded by Purple/Indigo Arcs in the form of Tenfoil Knots. The amount of Cold Dark Matter was vast.
The Pendulum claims I should share this idea with the world. I have pertinent questions about unaided X-ray Vision, Metaphysical Voyages and Quantum Consciousness. In formal cosmology, I am interested in the matter/anti-matter distribution of this high-redshift Cluster and Halo; mass/luminosity ratios, and Supergalactic Dynamics; Baryonic Composition, etc.
More to come...
Obama Leaves Executive Office Official Countdown
Ubuntu, My Fellow Pleiadians, Ubuntu!
Last edited by Lagrangian on Dec-26-2014 at 01:49