Dear dubstep,
Hi, not sure you remember me, but we didn't really get along at first. Or at second. Or at third, for that matter. To be completely honest, I used to think you were the most boring thing to have assaulted my ears since progressive house, tech house, or - god forbid if there's really such a thing - progressive tech house. You got slightly better when American frat boys adopted you and you started to sound like alien goatoids (or whatever a goat robot is called), but not enough to follow you close enough. Now, however, I'm convinced all you needed was a stint north of the border, because you seem to have improved a lot since Canadians started getting into you and gave you a catchy 4/4 beat I can headbang to. If only Trudeau would rename the province "Brostep Columbia", which seems to be the place most producers come from, I believe you'd get all the overdue recognition you deserve. Sorry to have slept on you.
Incidentally, all the best brostep DJs I've seen here in Korea are female, making the moniker all the more amusing.
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