quote: | I feel for this guy. I know just how he feels. I used to be a homosexual. I am not now. I used to walk around looking at penises and every once in a while just plopping one in my mouth. It became a slippery slope. I tried all the cures: shooting guns, big trucks, animal tracking. None of it worked.
That was until I got the Gay Patch. The Gay Patch is something you wear on your arm, just like the nicotine patch. It releases some gayness into your blood throughout the day, but over time decreases the amount you get. Before I knew it, I did not even need the patch anymore. I have not sucked on nor rubbed a penis in 187 days. I am cured.
Today, I love the sweet smell of the vagina, something that made me nauseous before. I bought a Dodge Ram, which has a Hemi of course, and I just killed my first deer. It was fantastic. I watched a sporting even the other day, and wow, they are such fun.
So, for a good secular way to cure yourself of homosexuality, try the Gay Patch. If it works for me, it could work for you! I have to go, me and my bros are going to go to Dave & Busters and then the strip club. Yay, pussy! |
