i just lost my temper. aaaargh. i thought someone rolled their eyes at me and i just snapped. i told the guy 'do it again. do it again' and he said 'do what?'. i said 'roll your eyes'. i usually have self control and have never challenged anyone like that. i don't know what happened.
Originally posted by Spacey Orange
i just lost my temper. aaaargh. i thought someone rolled their eyes at me and i just snapped. i told the guy 'do it again. do it again' and he said 'do what?'. i said 'roll your eyes'. i usually have self control and have never challenged anyone like that. i don't know what happened.
You need to unload your random personal shit on little Paddy Russell. Works for me, at least. If I didn't have him these last couple of months probably would've killed me. Or you know, get laid. Both works. Definitely sounds like you're frustrated, and being male chances are high it's of a sexual nature.
Low patient census, got a pay raise as of midnight, weekend + night shift premium, time and half AND I have a student working with me (she's doing the work, I'm sitting here).
Fuck yesss.
Apr-01-2013 05:11
Vivid Boy
TA's GodFather
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: T.O
I had the worst weekend of my life. I had my closest friend backstab me for 12 grand
Apr-01-2013 05:29
Silky Johnson
International Playa Hater
Registered: Nov 2003
Ah shit son.
Apr-01-2013 05:38
Spacey Orange
still loves trance.
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: California
12 Gs? I back stab for you a twenty.
Some friend. You should kill whomever he loves most.
Originally posted by Vivid Boy
I had the worst weekend of my life. I had my closest friend backstab me for 12 grand
What happened?
Apr-01-2013 05:50
tranceaddict in training
Registered: Dec 2011
Location: Oubliette
Some friends you have....
The only hard feelings should be in your pants
Apr-01-2013 06:32
Ancient BassAddict
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: Brasķlia, Brazil
Look on the bright side: For twelve thousand dollars, you found out someone you trusted doesn't deserve your confidence. It could've been way worse, and you can always get more money through hard-work and being Vivid
By the way, something similar seems to have happened to an acquaintance of mine. I have no idea what happened, but she's been posting passive aggressive messages against some Judas all night on Facebook. She's wont to do this kind of thing, but she's on a roll tonight!
Indiana Clones Upcoming Sets
[ I May Upload Something Someday ]
Apr-01-2013 06:48
Silky Johnson
International Playa Hater
Registered: Nov 2003
lol some Judas
Apr-01-2013 07:15
Divine Angel
Registered: Jun 2001
Location: Mushroom Kingdom
Originally posted by Lira
She's wont to do this kind of thing,
Apr-01-2013 11:11
Vivid Boy
TA's GodFather
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: T.O
I was a little pissed last night so let me clarify. He didnčt steal 12 grand from me. he fucked me out of 12 grand because he thought he was saving himself money by doing it when really he didn't save anything and in the end fucked us both. By selling me out he thought he would be in a better position and he ended up getting scammed in the end.
He very well knew what he was doing too. Snake move. Although karma may have already served him some revenge. Revenge always tastes better when its served by yourself.