Registered: May 2008
Location: The Pacific Northwest, of course
Originally posted by pkcRAISTLIN
are you missing the bedtime stories? do your pares still act out all the parts for you? it must take them a lot of effort at their age. why don't you read your own bloody stories?
More like I reached the conclusion of an inner monologue that I've had the last few nights. The conclusion was obvious, but it was still rather surprising.
May-21-2013 15:54
Spacey Orange
still loves trance.
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: California
Originally posted by bananas
anyone know this actor's name?
Last edited by Spacey Orange on May-21-2013 at 18:35
May-21-2013 17:18
Ancient BassAddict
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: Brasília, Brazil
Originally posted by Vector A
Every once in a while I get a random urge out of nowhere to listen to this:
It got a little better last year:
It sounds a lot similar to the original version, but I figure it's because the track was almost perfect anyway
Indiana Clones Upcoming Sets
[ I May Upload Something Someday ]
May-21-2013 19:26
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Jun 2008
Originally posted by Joss Weatherby
I'd hope so cause their porn leaves a lot to be desired. The laying there doing nothing but making cute noises thing gets old after a while.
Shreiking like a stuck pig is cute?
May-21-2013 19:48
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Jun 2008
Originally posted by pkcRAISTLIN
so i clicked through it tonight on spotify. what a heap of shit. i liked "contact", but the rest sure isn't for me. im so glad my pares didnt subject me to disco when i was a kid. 50s/60s pop was bad enough thanks.
Don't use this as a framework for disco. There's tons of great stuff out there, but it's not easy to find. RAM is a very weak album imo.
May-21-2013 19:51
Put down the plate
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: On a spit of sand we call Earth
Finally, after a week and a half of waiting, I learned I got that job at the electrical company. Even that drug test took 3 days before they sent off the results. Oh well, feels good to be employed again.
May-21-2013 22:02
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: midcoast
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
May-21-2013 22:27
Flickering, I roam
Registered: Sep 2006
Location: Chateau Verdafloor
Originally posted by Zharen
Finally, after a week and a half of waiting, I learned I got that job at the electrical company. Even that drug test took 3 days before they sent off the results. Oh well, feels good to be employed again.
That's awesome man, nice one!
May-21-2013 22:53
Put down the plate
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: On a spit of sand we call Earth
Originally posted by Sushipunk
That's awesome man, nice one!
Can't wait to start countin' up those dollery-doos mate.
May-21-2013 23:03
Registered: Feb 2010
May-21-2013 23:13
Flickering, I roam
Registered: Sep 2006
Location: Chateau Verdafloor
Originally posted by Zharen Can't wait to start countin' up those dollery-doos mate.
For sure! How long were you unemployed for?
May-21-2013 23:15
Put down the plate
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: On a spit of sand we call Earth
For about 4 years man. When I moved back from the Bay Area to the Valley in early 09 I was shocked to see how bad the recession had hit this place. Bank owned and Foreclosure signs in almost every neighborhood, businesses that had been around for years closing up and gone. Huge spike in the homeless. I was able to collect unemployment for a year and a half since Obama extended UI benefits. I figured I would have found another job by then but it didn't happen, the unemployment rate in this county had actually reached its peak of 18% by early 2011, half a year later when the media proclaimed the recession to be over.
I figured I needed new skills so I stopped looking for work and went back to school as a Pharmacy Tech. You know, a trade that wasn't going to put me 20 or 30K in debt. Passed the course, the externship, and received both my State and National license. I became CPhT certified this past March. But I learned the hard way that there is just too much competition in that field here in the Valley. I was banking on the fact that Obamacare would raise demand for health care employees. Instead, I find out that the hospitals here are actually laying their staff off in order to cut costs since they will go up having to insure everyone now. Seemed like once again I was shit out of luck.
I'd been applying everywhere besides just the retail and hospital pharmacies and finally I got a break with this company. They had just fired someone for not getting along with the coworkers and I was one of the first ones they interviewed. It's been a long troublesome road for me Sushi, I have a couple of gray hairs showing now along my sideburns to prove it, but I am thankful for finally getting a break.