I have had the best week, career wise. I work in the surgical ICU, so our patients are followed by both a surgeon and an intensivist. The intensivist does rounds with the critical care outreach team which includes an RN and an RT.
Last Sunday the RN who'd been working with the outreach team all weekend showed up to the unit first, and she said to me "Just want to let you know that the doctors are really impressed with you" and said how the doc that had been doing round also that weekend noted how I was always prepared and liked that I always knew what the hell was going on with all aspects the patients.
It doesn't really seem like a big deal, but I'm pretty modest about work - I just figure I'm doing what I should, nothing really of note to stand out. And the thing about most doctors is that they generally don't like to give people (especially nurses) credit for shit.
So yeah, that felt pretty awesome. My face went beet red and the nurse laughed.
Then today I got a nice thank you card from my boss - I had been recognized by my peers during leader rounding for always making time to answer questions/help out and provide encouragement.
AND I was asked to precept a new graduate starting in September. Asked, but my boss was basically like "You're ready, you're doing it, we've already interviewed the girl and matched her up with you." Again, I don't really see myself as a mentor type person - just strange to come to the realization that I have grown professionally and people notice it. Feels good man. 
And that is all. Yay me!
Oh btw I get paid more to be a preceptor...and do less work (well, just different work). Awwwyeah.
