Registered: Not Yet
That's nothing compared to her look of surprise if she ever saw you wearing sneakers with a suit.
Aug-11-2013 09:54
Registered: Not Yet
quote: | Originally posted by citric_acid
really nothing exciting, the same bullshit that had been going on for years.
we would be friends, id fill him in on details of my life, probably tell him too much info about my relationships. Id say enough for him to think i was into him (not really meaning too, im just an open person, ill tell anyone anything they want to know) and then he would get a reality check that i wasnt and id make it clear to him again hes just a friend and we should never hang out in person (hes very socially awkard, maybe its just around me but he would just stand there and stare and freak me out), so i guess that makes me a tease. also he imagines a lot of his own problems, creates them in his head and suddenly they become real to him.
next part of the cycle he gets all paranoid, freaks out, over thinks every detail claims hes done talking to me, it really doesnt bother me so he gets more upset blocks me etc, then a couple months later texts me or something. this went on since 2006 really, every 6 months or so. I really didnt care, his life is a fucking shit show and it was somewhat entertaining, my friends would have bets on when/why he would block me next or send the next text.
finally i got sick of the same pattern and when he had his last freakout i blocked him from everything so he actually had to stick to what he said, if he cant stop it i was doing no good allowing it to happen.
there it is one side of the story, it was no relationship but we all know his buttons are easy to push and sometimes you cant help but push them, its like a really bad reality show. im not avoiding him i just got sick of the same drama cycle and obviously i was playing a part in it so i decided to change it.
im sure ive missed a few details but its really just high school drama, nothing really exciting, no we never fucked, kissed or had any intimate relationship, no i hadnt talked to him in the last 2 weeks so there was no real big thing that caused this, just him stirring in his own emotions getting upset everytime he saw me post on here |

Aug-11-2013 10:19
Registered: Not Yet
quote: | Originally posted by Jon_Snow
quote: | Yea too bad I wasn't staring at her. She was getting freaked out cause I was staring out the windows at my cabin. I mean what else am I going to do when the friend you invite out for a nice trip is content to sit on your couch and just watch crappy sitcoms on their laptop all day and has been quite and awkward themselves from the moment you met them. I am not absolving myself of any awkwardness there but Citric really knows how to set a mood.
She basically sabotaged the entire trip from the get go. After months of basically talking 24/7 (mind you her talking to me, I can count the number of times I called her on one hand) which included almost 16 hour long Skype conversations that included falling asleep and waking up on cam at least a dozen and a half times (awkward as fuck), emotionally cheating on a guy she was "dating" before she moved back to Montana, messaging me or telling me when she was getting herself off, talking about how she wanted to sleep with me, and a laundry list of other things that were pretty teasing/enticing she totally gave me a "reality check" the week before coming out. She got all pissed and sad one night when we were drinking together on cam and complained that I only told her how good looking she was when I was drunk. The next night she goes to a friends, gets drunk, fucks him, and then calls me the next morning driving home and tells me, saying "I don't want this to change anything". I stupidly said "whatever we aren't dating, I don't care who you fuck". Obviously I did cause no matter how much I ignored it the next week when she was out I couldn't get it off my mind.
I told her when she was out here, sitting on my couch, that when she left we should pretend this never happened and just not talk anymore. She cried. I knew she was trouble. Everyone I know that knew her said she was trouble. I wanted to give her a shot, but in the end I knew everyone was right.
At the very end I made a nice gesture to her and I think she thought it was OK between us but I knew then and there hugging her goodbye in the train station that I was done. I deleted her off Skype a week later.
Course we started talking again. We've stopped talking twice since her trip and we both have initiated contact again. Me the first time, her the second. We were stupid to let each other back into our lives. We clearly have a desire to wreck havoc on each other and it's really unhealthy for both of us. I am doing it now by posting this...
I am not trying to totally disparage citric, I just figured both sides need clarity. I don't care who you believe, but if anyone wants proof then I have the Skype logs from the last three years.
Despite her proclivity for mayhem, I have seen the real citric under her self destructive tendencies and she is an amazingly beautiful person. Hopefully she finds someone she can actually let in there and find peace. She deserves it, and whoever can get her to that place will be the luckiest person in the world, for so many reasons. |
Aug-11-2013 16:29
Suspended User
Registered: Aug 2013
Well hi.
We totally do need the Skype logs.
Aug-11-2013 16:39
Registered: Not Yet
quote: | Originally posted by SaulTek
Well hi.
We totally do need the Skype logs. |
You're either citric or one of her friends. So weird.
Aug-11-2013 16:42
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