This Saturday me and a couple of friends went to what's being called the hippest club in the Netherlands. I have to admit, it was pretty awesome, and the girls were just insane there. My time there was a nice blend of trying to act cool, dancing and drinking. I think I succeeded a bit more at drinking than I did at acting cool.
Now, my friend just showed me a video he shot while I was dancing and rapping along to Skeelo's "I Wish" at the very end of the night (I was pretty drunk at that point). While watching the video, I notice there was this incredibly hot chick who seemed to have the hots for me (I can tell from the looks she gives me and how she straightens her top) but I'm just totally oblivious of her. My friend even focused on her for a while. You'd think he'd point her out to me at such a time but no 
I did end up in a hotel room with two girls and one of my friends, but we got blue-balled I even proposed to her on the street before that. You'd think that would give some credit... Can't remember how we met them though. I guess this is the first time ever I have gaps in my memory after a night of partying.