Haha, I know the feel, Slovak bro 
quote: | Originally posted by Vivid Boy
I was a little pissed last night so let me clarify. He didnèt steal 12 grand from me. he fucked me out of 12 grand because he thought he was saving himself money by doing it when really he didn't save anything and in the end fucked us both. By selling me out he thought he would be in a better position and he ended up getting scammed in the end.
He very well knew what he was doing too. Snake move. Although karma may have already served him some revenge. Revenge always tastes better when its served by yourself. |
Anyway, back to what really matters here: I'm happy to know he didn't actually steal any money from you, as it would've been even worse.
Like I said, there's one more person in the world now that can't fool you... and if he keeps doing that, he'll find out he won't have anyone to rely on either - so just let him drown in his own venom 
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