Hooooo boy - just got a big fat cheque that I've been waiting for deposited into my account today! Yay!
It's actually my mother's money; however, I have been supplementing her rent since January while trying to sort out her financial affairs - so budgeting has been super tight. Glad to be able to have my cash flow back. But most importantly, glad that my mother's shit is all sorted.
What a huge pain in the ass it has been for almost a year now, ugh. RELIEFFFF!
I tell ya, if you have sick parents, make sure you have power of attorney sorted and whatever other legal shit, because it isn't fun or easy trying to deal with their affairs once they become incapable.
I have been very fortunate though - everyone I have dealt with has been beyond helpful and compassionate about the situation - people at the bank, government workers, etc. Phew!
