quote: | Originally posted by Joss Weatherby
lol i type coding stuff to random people all the time... helps figure it out in your head.
anyway, dif topic, one word: effy. |
im taking a free class from Royal Holloway on Malicious Software. This week we learned about Assembly language and we covered the following:
"Obfuscation of executable code to improve resistance to static disassembly"
C. Linn and S. Debray
ACM CCS, 2003
Link to the publication
"Automatic generation of string signatures for malware detection"
K. Griffin, S. Schneider, X. Hu, and T.-C. Chiueh
RAID, 2009
Link to the publication
"N-version disassembly: differential testing of x86 disassemblers"
R. Paleari, L. Martignoni, G. Fresi Roglia, and D. Bruschi
ISSTA, 2010
Link to the publication
we're encouraged to learn IDA Pro, i have to say...this is probably some of the most advanced computer science material i've encountered. Up there with funcional programming with Lisp/Scheme/Haskell.
Haskell is still that secret weapon that never fails to deliver, but right now i'm too busy to spend a good amount of time learning it. I'll target: jan 2014...set time aside as winter comes by.
Re:Assembly Language -- t's been a while since I don't meddle with Assemblies, at my previous job, the only full-time programming job i've ever held, everything was already implemented on .NET. and we learned Mono. I was devout fan of c# But it's so...baby boomer. Besides the psychology behind is ttoo fucking Java for me. Fuck Java!
Well i am very interested in ARMv7, since I'm mostly focused on iOS. I've spent alot of time learning objective c, and I adore it. It was a bitch to get used to, but after a couple of months (more like 3 - 4 good months of doing half arse work on it) + the need to make more $$ and get my name out...i can say i've graduated to apple monk. I've seen the light, I've seen the inspiration.

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Last edited by Lagrangian on Jul-11-2013 at 10:26