I am not kidding, this English guy behind me (I'm at Starbucks with an encrypted HotSpot) is so Pedantic. He is apparently visiting from England, having coffee with her Granddaughter and her Fiancee. The man told her granddaughter, "You Should be proud to be English" [Out loud mind you!!!], "Did you know that the Sun never Sets in the British Empire[?]". The granddaughter who is probably no smarter than Honey Boo Boo just bursts out laughing. She looks like a young Chelsea Clinton. The man spewed, "We sent America all the Criminals", and the two dickheads interrupted him to correct the old geezer, "That was Australia!"
I AM NOT KIDDING, I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. Now he's on, and on about ... The Beatles. Really? The Beatles?
It seems like it's a perfect day to continue British bashing in all its glory. I, am not proud to be of English Heritage. I am proud to be A Patriot. Not proud, but ashamed to be English really.
I called the Bottom of the Pound.
