^That's ridiculous (@Idoru and Lews). They're responding to attacks. The idea that that is begging for them to keep going is victim blaming nonsense. For a ridiculous comparison its like the people who say rape victims are asking for it because of how they dress or behave. Hal & Selma aren't doing anything wrong. They can do whatever the fuck they want. If this was some forum behaviour then sure, get into them, but this is unprovoked personal attacks on them which has no place on this forum, or anywhere.
-The stuff being said about them isn't about stuff they've said on the forum, its deeply personal, private, and offensive. If someone was badmouthing my wife I'd have a hard time biting my tongue, and to say that Hal's somehow asking for it because he doesn't sit back while his wife is being slandered (again; whether its true or not it has no place on here) is a bit ridiculous. Hal has always been one of my favourite posters, and I don't think he's done anything wrong. He hasn't escalated this fight, or tried to get even, he's just defended himself, and his wife.
Vivid: If you respect Hal, you wouldn't be doing this shit. You're not his Dad; he can do what he wants. Before you posted how some girl you were seeing blah blah blah. (Luckily) not everyone is like you. Just cause you don't like something doesn't mean nobody does. You didn't marry her; who cares how she behaves, or what she did in the past, or anything like that? What's it got to do with you? And oh my god, you have dirt on someone???? Quick, lets post it on a forum so that everybody knows how informed and cool you are... Grow up man.
Jenny: You can't stop complaining about Srussel being butthurt. If continually bringing up this bs after you've been told by the mods, and most of the respectable members of the forum to stfu (AND been banned) isn't being butthurt, then I don't know what is.
-Everything I Say is a Lie-