We don't really have much lawn in the back anyway, cause of the pool...and the only section of it we do have is in a lot of shade and stays pretty damp - so we planted some elephant ear hostas - which get HUGE.
The lawn in the front is okay - tons of crab grass and shit, but eh. It's green enough and as long as it's trimmed often enough I don't really care. I care more about the trees + shrubs + flowers, etc.
Jun-06-2013 16:08
Joss Weatherby
Registered: May 2008
Location: The Pacific Northwest, of course
We had huge fields at our old cabin, like Terrence Malick style kids running through tall grass with a setting sun fields. They'd grow naturally and get waist deep (for a 10 year old) till someone would bring down a tractor with a mowing attachment and clear them out. Was pretty fun, especially when you'd find a snake or other small animal. The fields would stay green through the winter and spring and get brown over the summer.
I miss having that at our current cabin... Its just covered in ivy on the hills.
Argh. Now I am getting all nostalgic.
Jun-06-2013 16:16
Silky Johnson
International Playa Hater
Registered: Nov 2003
I had a friend in HS who had a huge ass yard..well more like a field yeah, and in the summer we would get a case of beer and take turns using the riding mower, heh.
Then of course we would throw a huge ass bonfire party. She also had a big fucking swimming pool. Man, some good times were had there.
Jun-06-2013 18:17
Registered: Mar 2002
Location: London
I'm sure many have already seen this, but I couldn't resist sharing, as I laughed so hard it hurt when I read this page earlier.
That is kind of crazy! Some of those girls are really beautiful without the make-up. Most of them look like they were dragged through the gravel pits. Also some of them have some pretty sweet hair!
Jun-07-2013 17:02
Joss Weatherby
Registered: May 2008
Location: The Pacific Northwest, of course
Originally posted by zGoogleman
What is your major?
cock mongling.
Actually I have no idea. Undergrad wandering ftw.
Jun-07-2013 17:04
Joss Weatherby
Registered: May 2008
Location: The Pacific Northwest, of course
So I have gotten back into Falcon 4.0 with some friends the last week or so. Fuck the people that play that sim hardcore are insane.
Still probably the best modern combat flight simulator (with the BMS mod of course) ever made, even if the base game is almost 20 years old.
Nothing beats being on final approach for landing after a smooth mission and having Mig-29 nails come up behind you on your RWR and all of the sudden Patriot missiles are lifting off all around you!
Landed and looked at the situation map and it had a entire North Korean strike package bearing down our airbase!