quote: | Originally posted by Big Worm
Working in Portland this summer-- this place is funky as hell.
Also, definitely unrelated... but I saw that the Ross Ulbricbht? (silk road guy) got life in prison. So this past weekend I spent a huge amount of time learning how to access the deep web.
FAO OrangestO-- can you share your experience?? |
well, and no one questions the legality of the government's action. Because you, have been conditioned to behave, respond, and think like an engineered human being.
There are no such things as flying saucers, but you may not interact with an alien as it is illegal and recorded as so. You may not ask the president questions about the NSA if you're the press, unless previously stated and agreed upon, the same can be said about Cuba. Black Projects, compartmentalization....
Where does HIV come from? how does one explain such an outer-wordly disease? Throughout the 60s-70s the U.S gov experimented heavily on behaviour-altering mechanisms involving wave mechanics; everything from the colours emitted by the set, to radio waves, to low frequency waves...all of it is old technology.
Last but not least, unelected presidents, specially those chosen by Activist Judges -- true blue -- engineered social unrest, corporate interests and the unbreakable oligarchy which controls the world we live in.
if you doubt my sanity, check my zip code...i too have a life, a schedule, job/family, simple needs and wants, and an inherent curiosity for the inner workings of nature and society.
Obama Leaves Executive Office Official Countdown
Ubuntu, My Fellow Pleiadians, Ubuntu!
Last edited by Lagrangian on Jun-05-2015 at 10:39