quote: | Originally posted by Lira
I'm usually very relaxed when someone's phone rings, because there's always the chance they're having a bad day and it just so happened that their phone rang the one time they forgot to turn it off. Students included. If a student, however, picks up the phone inside the classroom (I don't mind if they leave, it might be important), I will stop the class and have everybody look at them before I nail them with the shame hammer.
This being said, it does annoy me. Happened to me a while ago, but they were speaking Japanese, not Arabic. |
Ah, if we're talking classrooms, that happens on daily basis (not for me though). However, I find theatre/opera and other such environments to be a bit more important, not only due to bothering others, but foremost as a sign of disrespect towards the actors, orchestra.
I find absolutely no excuse for something like that. Especially the answering part.