Nou cannot stop self sabotaging Get some game brah
___________________ Obama Leaves Executive Office Official Countdown Ubuntu, My Fellow Pleiadians, Ubuntu!
[Sorry, Jay, like I said, no references to this story, please. Let's just let this story die without any suspensions, shall we?]
___________________ Freak Out Tóng Zhì
Last edited by Lira on Dec-02-2014 at 15:54
Get her to try on the dress!
Lira is a communist. This band is from Seattle. They use fingers to play the instruments. They rape those guitars.
Its not your fault
Ahde you deady foh the Gulaaaaag!?
___________________ Indiana Clones Upcoming Sets [ I May Upload Something Someday ]
Stalin finger-banged Anne Frank.
Citric, its not your fault
Come on, guys!
Koko was an ape. She aped that kitten.
Thread re-opened. Please behave.
Last edited by Lira on Dec-02-2014 at 20:07
just don't talk about nou, citric, or rape, please.
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