quote: | Originally posted by Swamper
Offshoot: I'm curious to see if the goalposts have been moved regarding the diagnosis of NPD (and its severity) ...in our instagram/selfie/social media 'me me me' culture. |
Not really. Those are just morons. The psychiatric disorders are far more severe than people imagine. It's extremely trendy now-a-days to suffer from "depression", "mania" or teenager's favourite term of "psycho", but once you see the people who truly have these disorders, you understand that reality is a bit far off. There is of course a difference between exhibiting traits and being diagnosed with the actual disease.
As an example: We saw an interview, live, with a guy suffering from anti-social personality disorder - basically what people would refer to as a psychopath. He was speaking about how he tried to kill his brother with the most light-hearted voice ever. It was like you or me would talk about go getting a burger. No regret or remorse for what he attempted.
Narcissistic disorder is a bit more complex than just loving to post pictures of yourself. Many of these people have traits which extend much deeper than the obvious.