
Registered: Sep 2004
Location: midcoast
Jan-11-2013 18:52
Registered: Not Yet
btw, liquid in radiator reservoir doesn't go into your radiator unless it needs it.
Jan-11-2013 22:29
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: May 2001
Location: Hollywood....
A few years back, I was at a petrol station in the UK, just off the M1 motorway. Starting pumping fuel in there, and this guy on the other pump is just staring at me starts to frown and then goes "are you sure your Mini (classic cooper, not that plastic BWM rubbish), takes Diesel?"
Next hour is spent trudging around desolate countryside next to the services, looking for some hosepipe. Somehow find a garden shed and "liberate" 4 foot of hosepipe to suck out the fuel.
Diesel does not taste good by the way. Oh, and neither does paying for nearly a full tank of Diesel, and then again a full tank of petrol.
And yes, EVERYONE at that patrol station found it highly amusing (except me).
Jan-11-2013 22:41
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: May 2001
Location: Hollywood....
Yep, publicly shamed. I don't actually think there could have been more people at that petrol station at that moment.
Even some woman with a Renault Espace was cracking up at me.
You know you've hit rock bottom when a rotund woman in a food stained tracksuit, wrong side of 50, driving a green minivan is laughing at you.
Jan-11-2013 22:51
Registered: Not Yet
Sorry alfie I'm well aware of the contraction and expansion takes place in the coolant system. But didn't feel the need to go into that much detail. I've rebuilt an engine from scratch so I do know a few things about cars but thanks for the refresher.
Jan-11-2013 23:35
Registered: Not Yet
Jan-12-2013 04:25
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