quote: | Originally posted by Lews
Yeah, I read it, I was just getting at the fact that I've been complaining about pain in that region (the same shit you have) for a while, but no one ever thought of or mentioned precordial catch, and I'm guessing it's because I have arrythmia and they assumed it was heart related. Though one person once told me I had enflamed ribs or something like that and that I needed to take ibuprofen every day lol
Meh, yeah, I'm kinda used to it by now. Bothers me every once in a while, and I certainly hope that it won't kill me, but nothing I can really do about it =/ |
Ah yeah, my bad. Yeah that makes sense...what are the odds though? Haha. Sucks. :/
quote: | Originally posted by Lews
Everything's an easy A, imo 
Gotta disagree with you on the joke, part, though. A good research paper can be quite challenging, involving a lot of intense analytic work.
If you're at a real school / care about your work, of course. |
I dunno, maybe not a joke - but I just found that research was such a formulaic process. It's the ultimate in rule driven work. Not denying the analytic aspect of it - but ultimately it comes down to plugging data into the correct spot and explaining what it all means. I personally don't find stats + analysis of data, etc. a challenge - only in that it takes patience and focus. Research itself is pretty exciting, but the language used to interpret and disseminate it is dry as fuck.
Meh. Easy A! 