Hahahaha! Well what happened was they were all (and by "they were all", I mean every character on the show, apparently) away on some retreat - and the SCDP boys were going in on some illegal purchase to acquire some land (vacation/cottage property)in the vicinity. I witnessed the transaction happen, then next thing I'm at the dinner table with Don and his family, then Betty sits down and starts neurotically chewing her food. Don probes to find out what's the matter, and she reveals how unhappy she is, etc. They had a long and annoying talk where basically Don coddled Betty the whole time and ended up feeling sorry for her...so they decided to get back together. Betty said "Make love to me, Don." And Don was all like "If you want it to work this time, you're going to have to make the first move." Then Betty had sex with him. I woke up right after Betty's new husband came in, saw Betty wearing Don's socks and flipped out. Lool.

Last edited by Silky Johnson on May-24-2012 at 15:57