quote: | Originally posted by Joss Weatherby
We were best friends and grew up together, she was like a younger sister, but in HS, maybe earlier I got a crush on her pretty hard, confessed eventually (thanks to TA lol) and was rejected. We remained friends, and it was fine for a while, but she eventually got to just be a shitty friend/person. She'd constantly pull stupid shit, and towards the end anytime I'd get mad at her about stuff she'd be doing she'd throw the "I don't love you and never will" thing in my face in an attempt to just shut me down. She did that about 3 or 4 times and we grew apart, slowly getting longer between talking to each other. The last time we saw each other we didn't even have a fight, but a few weeks later I found out that in HS she had a crush on my best friends brother in law, who was basically the biggest piece of redneck retard ever, and I was drunk and emailed her and basically called her a POS and that it was funny that a manwhore like my friends brother in law wouldn't even go out with her, and well that was that. Haven't talked since.
Sucks though, cause her family was friends with my family, and her parents were awesome and really liked my brother and I, we were like each others parent's kids growing up. My dad has actually talked to her more in the last 5 years than I have.
But yea, in the last year or two I haven't really given a fuck about her. I realized she was never worth that emotional effort, and the only thing that our friendship had going for each other was nostalgia. We weren't even "good" friends when we hung out. We'd just lay around and watch TV and not even talk or do anything, we'd act like we were 10 again. Totally pointless and more of a crutch than a friendship. |
holy shit. well okay, with that much history it would most likely have made a conversation with her quite awkward. you should have just said "hi [name]" and walked on. 
Klangkarussell - Sternenkinder