quote: | Originally posted by Jon_Snow
Stealing the charger is funny. |
It is... I was too confused to even be mad 
(Until, of course, I had to pay for a new one and found out how much they cost... those things are expensive, yo!)
quote: | Originally posted by Jon_Snow
Not to say it's justified but getting a bad grade can be emotionally traumatizing. I actually remember my 3rd grade teacher writing in red ink "POOR" for my cursive hand writing. It wasn't from a lack of trying because to this very day my hand writing is "poor" although it's hard to tell when I'm typing. |
Hah, I know the feel.
I bitterly remember the one poor grade I had in my entire student life - it was in maths in year 7, and the teacher would punish students for not doing homework (something I've never done). I was so angry I couldn't study in my own terms that I came to hate the subject at the time... And I got 4/10.
I was able to make up for it later on, but even as an 11-year-old I knew I was the one to blame for not being able to deal with the rules, not her.
quote: | Originally posted by Jon_Snow
Btw, don't let those nice things I said about you go to your head. You could very well be a terrible teacher for all I know. |
Haha, I tend to value feedback precisely for this reason. I could be a terrible teacher for all I know 
A researcher once analysed my style and said I teach students like I'm their "older brother": I let them do as they please, as long as they learn, often making references to things they already understand no matter how remote to the original topic, and odds are I'll lecture sitting on the table (something that makes shy students usually more at ease).
The researcher approved of my methods because I could "awake" the students that feel alienated with more formal professors, but I know I may irk more traditional students who value order and discipline more than freedom and spontaneity. I'm trying to find a way to have my cake and eat it 
quote: | Originally posted by pkcRAISTLIN
i'm kind of amazed you can be a cunt to anyone, shit student or not! |
Actually, it's probably the one context in which I come close to being a cunt - grading. Mostly for utilitarian reasons. Call me a grading cuntilitarian, if you will.
University courses are designed in such a way that you move from the basics to more advanced topics, and if you don't understand the basics, you won't have mastered the necessary skills to move on. If, therefore, I let students move on regardless of how poorly they do, they'll get stuck later on and hinder the progress of other students because other professors will have to address the issues I should have addressed.
Hippie though I may be, I'm very strict when it comes to grading for this reason. If I have to be a cunt to one person to protect the others, so be it (though, in this case, whoever I'm being a cunt to will eventually benefit from this decision down the road).
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