quote: | Originally posted by Lira
Actually, in spite of days like yesterday, I still think we're living through good times.
A hundred years ago your forefathers were fighting in WWI (Brazil didn't really do much back then). Four score minus two years ago our ancestors were heading to the trenches once again in WWII. When I was born, the thought of a nuclear apocalypse coming to reality was quite realistic. Then millennials were born during a lull in human history, in which I, for one, experienced the re-democratisation of my country, and a more stable world order after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
You're certainly right that even in the last 100 years, there have been far more mass brutal events; our generation can't even fathom what ww1&2 were like, but what's new, and why I say tragic is that at least in developed parts of the world that weren't engaged in these once or twice in a lifetime global wars, you had a semblance if everyday security.
Sure, there's always been fringe threats but we've never experienced what we have now; you can be anywhere, from a beach front promenade, to a Christmas market to a football match (basically any public event in nearly any country) and get mown down or vaporized by by an indiscriminate nutter who is willing to die for their cause.
quote: | Originally posted by Lira
Syria was probably the greatest single cock-up ever since,
but the end of all (officials) wars in the American continent also happened this year, so it's not all doom and gloom:

The map above considers the Mexican war on drugs as an actual war, so it's not very consistent (China is also orange because of the Xinjiang uprising, by that's killed fewer people than there were months this year).
Compared to all this we've experienced ourselves, 2016 was a disaster. But, if you think about what previous generations had to go through, it could've been way worse. Although, of course, the Don can easily make it so, but the US government was founded upon checks and balances, so let's hope they actually work 
Compared to the world wars, we live in cushy times.
quote: | Originally posted by Lira
Oh, Sky News! Sincerely, the only thing good about that televised tabloid are the adverts. Other than that, I've always took everything they said with a massive pinch of salt |
I know, I know but this was like a comedy sketch.
Last edited by DJ RANN on Nov-01-2019 at 23:56