Crap ... you know when you let your mind wonder a bit before you fall asleep and it accidentally wonders into a really bad place? This just turned into one of those nights Not getting any sleep tonight then anyway, now to decide with what to occupy myself until or videogames? Too tired foe the first, and not really in the mood for the second :/
Jul-02-2013 23:00
Joss Weatherby
Registered: May 2008
Location: The Pacific Northwest, of course
Originally posted by Moongoose
Crap ... you know when you let your mind wonder a bit before you fall asleep and it accidentally wonders into a really bad place? This just turned into one of those nights Not getting any sleep tonight then anyway, now to decide with what to occupy myself until or videogames? Too tired foe the first, and not really in the mood for the second :/
According to Russell you have a mental disorder.
Seriously those mind wanderings are fun.
I love when they get to something totally random and you are like "how the fuck did I get here?" and then you trace back each step of the way. Mind debugging.
Jul-02-2013 23:22
Supreme tranceaddict
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Celje, Slovenia
Oh they can be really fun, they are how I normally get my best ideas (thar I don't have the time to act on most of the tike but still), tonight isn't one of those nights though. Went into a bad place, and I know than when this happens thatit wont stop bothering me.until morning which also means no sleep.
Jul-02-2013 23:38
Suck a cheetah's dick
Registered: Apr 2005
Location: Montreal
Jul-03-2013 03:02
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