Of course, but that is more for salary insurance, non-covered treatments, prescription costs, travel insurance, and private rooms.
Canada needs more 100% private hospitals to take the strain off of the overburdened medical system. Every welfare case with a cold clogs up the system simply because they have nothing better to do. 100% free health care leads to wasting of time and services.
I'm sure Jpie will confirm just how many unneeded trips to the doctor happen daily, taking away time/treatment for those that truly need it.
I can count on 2 fingers that amount of times I've been to a hospital here(all for my son). I'm still alive.
Another over-medicated bunch of twats with no pot to piss in taking away the service of those in need.
It is a cancer upon a society of entitled gluttons who give nothing back to it.
Welfare states are a scourge. Just look at England.
Freak Out Tóng Zhì