Originally posted by Joss Weatherby
Seeing that I play the weirdo and it seems to work, at least in getting the types of girls that I want, I really don't see how it could hurt me.
Ok. Let's see it.
Freak Out Tóng Zhì
Nov-20-2014 06:16
Joss Weatherby
Registered: May 2008
Location: The Pacific Northwest, of course
Originally posted by Dykes_on_Jay
Ok. Let's see it.
I met this girl on Tinder and I already screenshoted my tinder on here.
Nov-20-2014 06:32
Ape me.
Registered: Aug 2012
Location: Shenzhen LBC
link us.
you scared super stud?
Freak Out Tóng Zhì
Nov-20-2014 07:47
Joss Weatherby
Registered: May 2008
Location: The Pacific Northwest, of course
Originally posted by Dykes_on_Jay
link us.
you scared super stud?
I already said I posted it before, so here it is again...
Got a date with a fit 19 year old south american girl out of it this week so I can't be doing too much wrong.
Nov-20-2014 08:02
Ape me.
Registered: Aug 2012
Location: Shenzhen LBC
link us.
go ahead you ruthless Lothario...
...unless you are faking the funk wankster.
19 years is old for a microwave burrito.
Freak Out Tóng Zhì
Nov-20-2014 08:05
Joss Weatherby
Registered: May 2008
Location: The Pacific Northwest, of course
Originally posted by Dykes_on_Jay
link us.
go ahead you ruthless Lothario...
...unless you are faking the funk wankster.
19 years is old for a microwave burrito.
You can't link to fucking Tinder you retard, it's a phone app.
Nov-20-2014 08:39
Ape me.
Registered: Aug 2012
Location: Shenzhen LBC
I don't know about these things, I am able to have normal social relationships.
Link us anyway.
Freak Out Tóng Zhì
Nov-20-2014 08:42
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Manchester
Couldn't you just screen grab from your phone when on her profile and post the image here?