Those specific biker gangs responsible for the violence in Texas look white as fuck, and I don't really get how you're conflating that with Mexico or immigration.
Fucking fuck off, you insane, racist piece of shit.
May-18-2015 20:18
Innocence Lost
Uptight Biatch,..
Registered: Jan 2014
Location: THANK THE LORD *for* being born yelluh.
Originally posted by enydo
Do you ever shut the fuck up?
Those specific biker gangs responsible for the violence in Texas look white as fuck, and I don't really get how you're conflating that with Mexico or immigration.
Fucking fuck off, you insane, racist piece of shit.
May-18-2015 23:35
Vivid Boy
TA's GodFather
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: T.O
Bad news weekend. my one friend diagnosed with cancer and another friend killed a person drinking and driving. Caught with 30 grams of marajuana on him. I know he was an idiot but it still sucks
May-19-2015 00:42
Flickering, I roam
Registered: Sep 2006
Location: Chateau Verdafloor
Originally posted by Vivid Boy
Bad news weekend. my one friend diagnosed with cancer and another friend killed a person drinking and driving. Caught with 30 grams of marajuana on him. I know he was an idiot but it still sucks
Damn, that's pretty heavy stuff.
May-19-2015 00:44
Vivid Boy
TA's GodFather
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: T.O
Ya that's my last crazy friend. It all catches up to them in the end. He will probably do 2 years
May-19-2015 00:54
Registered: Not Yet
That's fucked Eric. Hopefully you'll be cutting ties with him (the dude who killed someone drinking and driving).
I don't normally pass judgement on people but I really hate your friend right now. I really don't like drunk driving and have had several acquaintances die because of drunk drivers.
May-19-2015 01:02
Flickering, I roam
Registered: Sep 2006
Location: Chateau Verdafloor
Originally posted by chris1011
I really don't like drunk driving and have had several acquaintances die because of drunk drivers.
I hold the same views. My two closest friends both died because they got behind the wheel while drunk. One of them took someone else with him as well :/
May-19-2015 01:08
Vivid Boy
TA's GodFather
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: T.O
Trust me I think the guy is an idiot. He will get what he deserves I am sure of it. It was an eyeopener though. I've had 3 very wild and crazy friends in my life. He was one of them. The other 2 died. I mean we were all crazy as kids but we grew out of it. The ones that didn't it all caught up to them in the end. It shows you that in life you need to pump the brakes at some point.
That being said my friend who has cancer is another eye opener that you cannot pump the brakes too hard. He was actually an older gentleman. He was in his early 60's. It was the father in law of a friend of mine. My friend married an Italian girl and her family and I became very close. Her father reminded me a lot of my uncles. I've spent many SUnday nights over dinner (almost every 2nd weekend) and myself and her father would stay up all night drinking cognac smoking ciggarettes and playing Briscola. He reminded me exactly of my uncles and it felt like we cut from the same cloth because of it. I was the son in law he always wanted lol. Anyways just like my uncles he drank too much and smoked too much and now its all caught up to him just like my uncles who also are battling cancer. It's just a reminder to me that when pumping those brakes ease up on it a bit. Because if you come to a complete stop like these old italian men in my life, I will end up the same. I see how its easy to fall into that trap. Its that italian gene in us :P
Anyways what I have taken away from all of this is this. It's time for me to hit the brakes in my life. When I think about the reasons why I live it always boils down to people in my life. Friends Family etc. Time is a bastard and as it ticks away, those people start slowly disappearing. That's just life and there is nothing I can do about it. But I feel its time I created some new people. People that will outlive me. I need to pump the brakes and settle down, but when I do, I can't fall into the trap of hitting those brakes hard especially as I get older. The name of this game is happy medium. You don't want to be the dude drinking and driving slamming into oncoming traffic. But you don't want to be the guy who does nothing and his body just finally gives up on him. Find that happy medium and create people by having a family to reverse the fact time will slowly take away all of your loved ones.
May-19-2015 03:48
Spacey Orange
still loves trance.
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: California
Eh Vinny so my dads says to me, cut ur hair u spikey freak! can u believe that goomba?
Registered: Feb 2012
Location: Mountain View, Santa Clara, California
Honduras and El Salvador are on the brink of Complete Criminal Overtake. Expect more Refugee seekers in Texas and throughout the Southern Border. If you are asking why they're here, the answer is a bit more complex than "duh, America".
With political stability these countries could flourish. They are some of the most beautiful places here on Earth.
We have the worst foreign policy in place since the days of Jimmy fucking Carter. This has been embarrassing to witness.
Do you think I'm bluffing you? Oh that would never happen here, wake the fuck up. No one is safe.
We need to raid the borders and track down all immigrants from C.A like we do ISIS. Why do Central Americans get a free pass and Arabs/Middle Eastern/Asian men dont?
And blocks away from Biden's home. Couldn't they get it wrong for once?
You will remember my post.
In the mean time, get yourself an exceptional gun.