quote: | Originally posted by Halcyon+On+On
Is it about games, or is it about the anonymous umbrella that online communities foster? If there exists a deeply-rooted misogyny endemic to the internet, this very website most definitely suffers just the same as any idiotic XBL chatroom.
Although it's certainly true that games as an inherent form of escapism certainly encourage and breed said temperament, the same could be said and observed of sports or an interest in cars. It's not about gamers, it's about men getting together and airing their presumable sexual frustrations, wrought with the mimetic endearment of sociosexual expectation. |
Well, that. But there's also the fact that game developers quite often cater for testosterone-loaded gamers, and it's not hard to find games with scantily clad female characters that defy the laws of gravity, physics, and hypothermia :

Hell, I'm playing Civilization V right now, and except for the rather plump Austrian queen, every single female leader is either hot or cute, whereas most male leaders are... well... see for yourself:

quote: | Originally posted by pkcRAISTLIN
i dunno why gaming is more "pathetic" than any other pointless hobby. |
It's an unfair stereotype, but I assume - and this is nothing but an impression - it's because (1) it's something new and (2) unlike most other hobbies, you don't really have a "product" you can use to brag after you spend hours and hours playing video games. Jocks have nice bodies, artists have masterpieces, video game players have a level 128 paladin 
It's just a matter of time until the stigma goes away, I guess.
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