quote: | Originally posted by Fledz
I don't know, why don't you start a thread about it... |
Are you trying to divide the CORe into random posters and non-random posters!? Do you want to lead to a Balkanisation of TA!?
No, Fledz, I shall stand and fight for pluralism! I won't let a gigantic schematics provider from the Balkans come here and create new schemata to keep us apart! Why? Because I know what happened to your hometown, Fledz. I know it! You were born there more than 20 years ago, and the impact was irreversible, leading to so many divisions that no only did Yugoslavia cease to exist, you even managed to... well... what is your hometown called?! What's its name, Fledz?! What is it known as?
Yeah, that's right, even your hometown is now called "Split"! 

quote: | Originally posted by netroM
That's totally believable.
I've only experienced blackout once, and that was when I got home after a New Year's party; I remember just collapsing on the bed with my clothes on, and then woke up later that day without the clothes on.
Boxers were still on tho, so no sexual predatory activity.
shitty blackout story is shitty, but that's the only one I've got. |
Haha, must've been puzzling enough though 
quote: | Originally posted by OrangestO
I've "blacked out" many times, and I like to compare to your body being on autopilot.
Your body is still moving, but there's no one steering.
It's scary shit, especially when you drive or put yourself in a position where something bad can happen, which has happened to me an infinite number of times in my days of binging and not giving a fuck.
It's weird because a lot of people never experience this. I don't know if it's because they just don't drink to the point that it's possible for it to happen, or they're just not predisposed to it. Definitely a sign of alcoholism, though, according to the "professionals." |
I was so knackered yesterday that I forgot to look it up on Wikipedia but, yeah, frequency enhances the likelihood of blackouts. It says the most likely cause is quick ingestion of too much alcohol in a short period of time, but the study was made with alcoholics, so it lends your idea even more credit.
Well, I just wanted to confirm he didn't do something so embarrassing he wanted to keep it secret. Although I've never seen a shy drunkard, now that I'm thinking about it 
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