quote: | Originally posted by Lira
By the way, what are alcoholic black-outs like?
SO I'm at this birthday party, completely drunk, and it's getting late. There's no more bus going home and it's too far to walk.
I'm somewhere outside on a field, I think I might know the place, but curiously enough it nowhere near the party location nor my home.
(This could also be a dream from later when I was asleep. Maybe my brain mixed stuff up. At least having been there makes no sense whatsoever.)
I'm at home in my bed.
To this day I have no fucking clue how I got home. No one drove me, people remembered I went off into some direction yet I certainly couldn't have walked. I didn't take a taxi because I was not missing any money. So either I can teleport when I black out or my drunk brain figured out another amazing solution to the problem. 

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