Ape me.

Registered: Aug 2012
Location: Shenzhen LBC
quote: | Originally posted by SYSTEM-J
Most of the time when I go out I get fucking spannered. Even if my face isn't doing a tribute to Edvard Munch my sex drive is totally non-existent. Ask some of the guys who've met me how I am socially. Lews, Chris, etc. I doubt they'll say I'm a complete stiff.
It's like that line from Trainspotting: Young Renton noticed the haste with which the successful, in the sexual sphere as in all others, segregated themselves from the failures. Some people have it, some don't. I've never really had it, but as a single guy if you can shag 2-4 girls a year you don't regret I don't think you're doing terribly. You're not Nou.
Anyway, I agree with the original point. Women do get hit on way more than men. Just look at that "10 hours walking in NYC video". There are countless desperate men out there with no fucking clue who will try it on with a woman who's giving out no signals whatsoever she wants approaching. Just from the attention my girlfriend gets - pathetic guys with no clue trying it on in the most cringe-worthy way possible, work colleagues sending her messages on Facebook, shit like that. Most of my female friends have lots of similar stories to tell. I'm shit with women but there's a big percentage of the male population who have no clue whatsoever, meaning they haven't got their dick wet since Biblical times and they skew this statistic way way over to one side. |
Fair enough. I believe that we get back what we project. I've always been a guy that likes sex to the point of it being a weakness at times. Getting laid doesn't make you a better person, it just satisfies a need for instant gratification; something that I've always loved since i was a kid. *cue whipped cream can in mouth*
Nou. So under your skin. I'll talk to you tomorrow, my wife is calling me to bed, my son is finally asleep. I trust that your lonely angst will keep you warm tonight.
Remember nou: it's their fault no one wants you.
Freak Out Tóng Zhì
Oct-31-2014 18:57
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