Maaaaan, Im SO sick&tired of my fellow country men here socialistonia north. i mean at least we're not as bad as the swedes, they don't even celebrate their national day. it's Norways independence day today. For the last, maybe 10 years? Something like that, theyve been talking about not whether immigrants could wear our national dresses and wave our flag, no, what they've been talking about is whether or not immigrants should wear the national dresses of their country of origin and wave that flag, on Norways national day! Aaaand, the feelgood-choir have now pretty much all dressed up in burkas to support irani immigrants, who ironically came here to get away from islamic fundamentalism! but hey, whatever we can do to accomodate our new brown overlords (lol jk, i know they aint controlling the wheels, they're just pawns like 99% of us). Today was a sea of multiculturalism, and the sentiment was that to show too much pride in that awful "white" history that is in the annals of Norway. First modern-day humans to visit both poles, who were the first whites to see America, the people that withstood the Nazis for the longest time before being occupied, but no, if you want to wear a smile today you better be a pakistani or from africa, no celebrating that horrible Norwegian heritage today, cus the T-man said Nationalism ain't bad, so that makes it as evil as the devil himself! Cus it was totally the national pride that killed the jews, and not the systematic, cold-hearted nature of Hitlers socialistic society that let all those souls perish. Braids are bad, not huge government! Maaaaaaaan, the stuff they try to teach us in the schools is such bullsh!t lol! When I grew up, they were still driving around in pickups and beating up homos, today they're teaching the kids about trans before they start school! We may have a female prime minister, but at least we're not being run by a 15-year old little witch in pigtails like that neighbor of ours.. Oh well! At least we can still eat our traditional boiled wieners today, they haven't been outlawed because they may offend anyone because they're not halal!
And the worst part is not one single muslim Ive met have ever complained about that, apart from one craaaazy chechen dude I met in prison, they even eat pepperoni pizza and just pick them off and pretend like the grease on top isn't 100% swine LOL. And I grew up among mainly asians and africans, my nanny was muslim and I often stayed with her family, and my first roommate was iranian and he used to fill the place with kosovo-albanians lol, we used to live out in bufuque, egypt, and there was a whatchamacallit, i almost said concentration camp LOL, let's just call it a refugee center, whatever.. they all thought i worked with them because they kept calling me colleague.. "eyy! kyollegaa!".. i told them to call me boss instead.. i didnt but maaan i wish i had that thought back when i was 16 lol, but yeah, y'all prolly remember my early posts so yeah whatever, next story! 
What y'all up to today?