Top 250 DJsOfficial 2008 Ranking 1. Armin van Buuren NC2. Above & Beyond 13. Paul van Dyk 14. Tiesto NC5. Markus Schulz NC6. Ferry Corsten 17. John Digweed 28. Sasha NC9. Sander van Doorn 310. deadmau5 4611. Menno De Jong 112. Aly & Fila 213. John 00 Fleming 214. Sean Tyas 315. Eric Prydz 316. Danny Howells NC17. Gareth Emery 2118. John O'Callaghan 519. DJ Shah 4720. Carl Cox NC21. Eddie Halliwell 422. Richie Hawtin 2623. James Zabiela 524. ATB 925. Steve Lawler NC26. Andy Moor 327. Hernan Cattaneo 328. Kyau & Albert 129. Dubfire 5330. Christopher Lawrence 731. Simon Patterson 8032. Desyn Masiello 1133. Daft Punk 15134. Marco V 1235. Marcus Schossow 12436. Cosmic Gate 837. Airwave 638. M.I.K.E. (Push) 739. 16 Bit Lolitas 2040. Manuel Le Saux 441. Ronski Speed 742. Lee Burridge 143. Airbase 1044. Axwell 1245. Sander Kleinenberg 2146. Daniel Kandi 17747. Luke Fair NC48. Leon Bolier 949. Giuseppe Ottaviani 150. Paul Oakenfold 851. Yoji Biomehanika 1852. Alex M.OR.P.H. 953. Adam Beyer 654. Infected Mushroom 255. Gabriel & Dresden 4256. Nick Warren 757. Steve Angello 1958. James Holden 3259. Blake Jarrell 1960. Laidback Luke 8261. Sven Vath 2262. Stoneface & Terminal 1963. Jon O'Bir 1264. Mark Knight 13865. Blank & Jones 166. Jody Wisternoff 1167. Super8 & Tab 2268. The Thrillseekers 2569. Martin Roth 6270. David Guetta 2171. Joris Voorn 10572. Solar Stone 2373. Astral Projection 4174. Richard Durand 6275. BT 2176. Max Graham 4177. Magda 2478. Ricardo Villalobos 1979. Luciano 6880. Erick Morillo 5381. Sied van Riel NE82. Trentemoller 3883. Orkidea 384. Booka Shade 12885. Nic Fanciulli 1486. Rank 1 4087. Chemical Brothers 988. Kenneth Thomas 1689. Hybrid 2490. Lange 8291. Matt Darey 2392. John Askew 3093. Benny Benassi 294. Agnelli & Nelson 495. Judge Jules 1296. DJ Eco 12497. Andy C 1898. DJ Scot Project 3199. Steve Porter 6100. Andy Hunter 119101. Mauro Picotto 2102. Kaskade NE103. Roger Sanchez 15104. Jonas Steur 44105. Chris Lake 53106. Dave Seaman 50107. Justice 12108. Danny Tenaglia 43109. Chris Harrington 74110. Kristina Sky 14111. Victor Dinaire 5112. Adam White 87113. Fred Baker 14114. Yahel 27115. Deep Dish 80116. Galen Behr 14117. Greg Downey 120118. Talla 2XLC 32119. Adam Sheridan 51120. Mikey Mike 9121. Scott Brown 25122. Mstrkrft 55123. Preach 23124. Fedde Le Grand 89125. Andrew Bennett 55126. Victor Calderone 49127. Oliver Prime 7128. Abel Ramos 6129. Dirty South NE130. Sydney Blu 79131. Rowan Blades 69132. Flash Brothers 38133. Mark Sherry 5134. Chus & Ceballos 61135. Claude VonStroke 57136. Precision 43137. DJ Dan 5138. Marcel Woods 80139. Cliff Coenraad 52140. Kaenow 63141. Jelo 16142. Adam Freeland 35143. Darude 8144. Paolo Mojo 22145. Dave Clarke 27146. Sebastian Ingrosso 27147. Deko-Ze 55148. Nicholas Bennison 12149. Armand van Helden 65150. Johan Gielen 71151. M.A.N.D.Y. 53152. Chris Liebing 78153. Tom Colontonio NE154. Astrix 26155. Fast Distance NE156. Satoshi Tomiie 30157. Arnej NE158. Niklas Harding 37159. Donald Glaude 50160. Damian Lazarus 61161. Thomas Bronzwaer 65162. Paul Miller NE163. Firestorm 11164. Heatbeat NE165. Tiefschwarz 53166. Miika Kuisma 51167. Stephan Bodzin 43168. Matthew Dekay 1169. Breakfast NE170. Ben Sims 36171. Josh Wink 79172. Ozgur Can 69173. Pole Folder 12174. Joop 11175. S.O.S. NE176. Pete Tong 39177. Ricky Ryan 71178. Anthony Pappa 29179. 2ManyDJs 35180. Funk D'Void NE181. Umek 33182. Mark Oliver 60183. DJ Lucho NE184. Mark Farina 34185. Sandra Collins 31186. Sash 9187. Sultan 79188. Kimito Lopez 9189. Sebastian Leger NE190. Bryan Kearney NE191. Ferry Tayle NE192. Bob Sinclar 82193. Jochen Miller NE194. Timo Maas 5195. Nitrous Oxide NE196. Mike Foyle 38197. Mike Koglin NE198. Misja Helsloot 20199. Randy Boyer NE200. Josh Gabriel NE201. Re:Locate 7202. Junior Jack 28203. DJ Icey 32204. Re-Ward NE205. Loco Dice NE206. Mark Norman 21207. Suzy Solar 79208. Radio Slave NE209. Quivver NE210. Will Holland NE211. Filo & Peri 126212. Orjan Nilsen NE213. Shiloh 18214. Lord Of Bass 15215. Andy Farley 32216. Jason Jollins 30217. Rob Turner 87218. Nic Chagall NE219. Mat Zo NE220. Robert Nickson NE221. Phil K 14222. Pendulum 96223. D.A.V.E. The Drummer 20224. Jaytech NE225. Moshic NE226. George Acosta 87227. DJ Dean 29228. Guy J NE229. Thomas Datt 61230. Ideal NE231. Signum 90232. Matt Hardwick 128233. First State NE234. Raresh NE235. Topher Jones NE236. Demi 54237. Felix da Housecat 84238. Andy Duguid NE239. Darin Epsilon NE240. Jimpster NE241. DJ Rush 62242. Gil La NE243. Marco Carola NE244. Boys Noize NE245. Jeff Mills 81246. The Crookers NE247. Moby NE248. Fabio 83249. Westbam 48250. Randy Katana 81NE =NC =New EntryNo ChangeFor a "cut & paste friendly" version of this list click
Info:15 entries will show up every 30 minutes starting at 0600 The final 10 will show up one at a time every 10 minutes (#1 will be up at 1500 EST (GMT-0500)) Please keep discussion within this thread on topic - useless posts/spam will be removedStats: Just over 25000 entries were received Top 25 received 50% of the votePrevious Polls:2007 2006 2005
i guess there are plus sides to waking up so damn earrly. coolio - thanks for doing this again Swamper
Go Bob Barr!
phil k should be way higher imo
quote:214. Lord Of Bass UP 15 215. Andy Farley UP 32 216. Jason Jollins UP 30 217. Rob Turner DOWN 87 Owned!
Lord of Bass beat Rob Turner. Lord of Bass isn't even a dj. What the shit is this shit. Consider the scene ruined.
quote:Originally posted by Ted Promo Lord of Bass beat Rob Turner. Lord of Bass isn't even a dj. What the shit is this shit. Consider the scene ruined. Lord Of Bass doesnt need to DJ to be in a top DJ list......HE IS THE LORD OF BASS
quote:Originally posted by Ted Promo Where's the wizardcow? Oh wait, none of the signatures appear in this thread.
You all know Luxor's gonna take the cake
quote:Originally posted by Ted Promo Lord of Bass beat Rob Turner. Lord of Bass isn't even a dj. What the shit is this shit. Consider the scene ruined. Ahaha. I am lolling so hard right now. I wonder where Dave Dresden will come. #1?
quote: I wonder where Dave Dresden will come. #1? I'm personally more interested in what ranking you-know-who is.
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