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I pulled my wisdom teeth out today
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hardcore trancer
ooooooh Iam on sooo much fUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKIN pain,:whip: :whip:
so I finally took all my wisdom teeth out about 3 hours ago,and I HATE going to dentist,
aaaah I shouldnt have gone,but I had to it!!:(
guys let me tell you this,I cant feel my tongue,or my lips,and anything I drink comes out of my mouth again.:whip:
so I was wondering if any of u peeps did this damn operation,how did you feel after??basicly I wanna know how you felt after they took yours out.
I took 3 yes thats right 3 Tylenol 3's and it has no efffet on me at all,maybe thats because Iam abit big???!!
maybe I should take 3 more??what you think?

soo if any of you guys have any suggestions please feel free to post.

I hope I dont sould like a little bitch, but I really hate this :whip: :whip:

and thanks for reading.:p
DJ Mikey Mike
Originally posted by hardcore trancer

I hope I dont sould like a little bitch, but I really hate this :whip: :whip:

no but u sound like a fecking idiot. Go to the dentist. And i aint kidding. U mite hav done some serious damage for all you no.
hardcore trancer
Originally posted by DJ Mikey Mike
no but u sound like a fecking idiot. Go to the dentist. And i aint kidding. U mite hav done some serious damage for all you no.

how can I make serious damage??I cant hardly open my mouth!!
and how am I a in idiot??:whip:
DJ Mikey Mike
Originally posted by hardcore trancer
how can I make serious damage??I cant hardly open my mouth!!

well that already sounds pretty serious to me. If u cant move ur mouth coz u pulled some teeth out then thats pretty bent.
hardcore trancer
Originally posted by DJ Mikey Mike
well that already sounds pretty serious to me. If u cant move ur mouth coz u pulled some teeth out then thats pretty bent.

well I took 4 wisdom teeth out at the same time,maybe that why I have these problems?
DJ Mikey Mike
Originally posted by hardcore trancer
well I took 4 wisdom teeth out at the same time,maybe that why I have these problems?

yea maybe :nervous:
hardcore trancer
oh trust me man,it is veeery painful,thank god they put me to sleep during the operation!!!
DJ Mikey Mike
Originally posted by hardcore trancer
oh trust me man,it is veeery painful,thank god they put me to sleep during the operation!!!

oh fecking hell. i understand now. I read the thread very quickly and somehow came to the conclusion that ud pulled them out urself. So i was thinking u were a dick head and it served u rite. But i just re-read, and i understand now :) I feel for ya man :( I no it hurts.
hardcore trancer
Originally posted by DJ Mikey Mike
oh fecking hell. i understand now. I read the thread very quickly and somehow came to the conclusion that ud pulled them out urself. So i was thinking u were a dick head and it served u rite. But i just re-read, and i understand now :) I feel for ya man :( I no it hurts.

aaaaah np man,I read fast sometimes too,and make the same mistake:D

thanks for understanding M8!!:)
lol tell me about it. I got mine taken our a year ago. Take the pain killers or do what my dda told me to do that shocked the out of me. Allow me to quote him: "Why don't you go ask your friends for some marijuana? You are doing it for medicinal reasons and don't tell me you've never tried it before. I was your age once too".:wtf: :eyes: :crazy: :haha:

No seriosuly. Weed will kill the pain.

hardcore trancer
Originally posted by E*Master
lol tell me about it. I got mine taken our a year ago. Take the pain killers or do what my dda told me to do that shocked the out of me. Allow me to quote him: "Why don't you go ask your friends for some marijuana? You are doing it for medicinal reasons and don't tell me you've never tried it before. I was your age once too".:wtf: :eyes: :crazy: :haha:

No seriosuly. Weed will kill the pain.

LOOOOOOOOOOL,Iam sure it will help,but I never touched any drugs in my life,so I dont think Iam gonna try it now.
hehe but what your dad says is sooo funny, he sonds like a cool dad;)
dayumz .. sounds like they fed u that same black anesthetic that they gave me, cept lucky for you , they used Nitrous to put you to sleep .. i was awake during my whole operation !! they kept injecting my gums over and over and i felt so bloated up in the face. and yea i know the feeling when u can't feel nothing cuz of all the numbness from the anesthetics..

man my whole operation took like 3 hours cuz they have to saw one tooth into like 4 sections cuz it was so hard to pull off. and for a straight week i ate nothing but Chinese congee and spat blood for 3 straight days ..

yea definately one of the worst experiences of my life .. :whip:
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