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The Corstitution: The Rules of the COR
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I tried to make it as simple and amusing as possible. This is just a draft we'll work on during this week. Should you find any flaws, mistakes, or holes, please let us know!
Core Guidelines

Truth be told, the Chill Out Room has got to be among the most anarchic corners of the internet - if there was a scale measuring the amount of anarchy found here, the CORE would be somewhere between 4chan and lunchtime in an Italian household. However, in order to actually have a discussion going on, we need to observe <NUMBER> simple rules (which shouldn't be much of a problem, as you've already warranted "that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, excessively sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws" when you signed up). The simple rules are:

  1. No Piracy: Want to share a tune you like? Great! But, unless you own the copyright of the files you want to share, keep them to yourself. Youtube is fine, but this is no place for piracy. Offenders will receive a warning, and the thread or post will be closed/deleted. Repeating offenders will be suspended.

  2. Yes Privacy: Related to the rule above. You found out a TA cheated on their spouse? Fine, is it your spouse? If not, that's none of your business, and this shouldn't be here. Posting any sensitive information will lead to suspension without any warning. You should know better anyway.

    By the way, there's a private messaging function you may use in these cases if you feel you must warn the cuckolded TA.

    And, no, posting naked pictures of members isn't okay even if you want to teach them a lesson.

  3. No Bullying in Berkshire*: All right, someone really gets on your and you insulted them. No problem. You really hate someone, and you made sure the object of your hatred acknowledged it. Fine. However, if you've already made it clear that you don't like someone('s opinion) and you keep slagging the person off ad nauseam, then we have a problem. Even if the person is a total berk, just ignore them. Bullying in Berkshire is still bullying. Offenders will receive a warning, and the thread may be closed if it's obvious it won't lead anywhere but to more abuse. Repeating offenders will be suspended.

    Yes, it's up to the moderators to decide when it's bullying and when it's not. Deal with it.

  4. No "nigga", please: Racial slurs are off-limits, just as pretty much any insult related to gender, ethnic group, and sexual orientation - except when it's for the sake of humour, and it's up to the moderators to decide whether this was the intended use. Offenders will receive up to three warnings. If you still can't be arsed to grab a thesaurus and learn new words after all these warnings, suspended you are.

  5. Keep it Safe (For Work): Although TA does not condone slacking off in the office, some people inevitably come here while they should be working. Or some may use the computer in a public place. If possible, try to keep pictures and posts work-safe. If you must post a picture of the world's most magnificent pair of bare boobs, or Africa's largest penis, just paste a link to the file, and label it NSFW (Not Safe for Work, . It's not really that difficult (although the latter may be shrunk due to screen size constraints). Offending pictures will be removed, and posters will be warned. Repeating offenders will be suspended.

  6. This isn't (always) a democracy: You feel you've been wrongly accused of something, and you were suspended as a result of this injustice? Talk to whoever suspended you. They didn't care? Then deal with it. Organising a mutiny, creating several alts to circumvent the suspension, or sending a pack of wolves to the moderators' houses won't help. At all. We'll try to be as fair as possible, and we'll do our best to listen to your side of the story. However, that doesn't mean we have to agree with you.


*Some Brits may want to point out "Berk" in "Berkshire" is actually pronounced "Bark". We needed to mangle the pronunciation for the pun, deal with it.
Ted Promo
Originally posted by Ted Promo

Yes :gsmile:
When using 'Berk' as an insult, do you pronounce it like 'berk' or 'bark?'
Marcus Summers
I agree with most of these rules. Except #2. Adulterers deserve jail time and public humiliation.

I like you Lira, but because of that one rule, we have to lock this publication in the vault.

I love this stamp! I'm totally going to use it from now on :D
Originally posted by Lews
When using 'Berk' as an insult, do you pronounce it like 'berk' or 'bark?'

The former, reason why it can also be spelled "burk".
Marcus Summers
Originally posted by Lira
I love this stamp! I'm totally going to use it from now on :D

It would be cooler if you could get the .png to go over the text. I am sure there is some fancy code for it on the forum. Or maybe I know about computers.
Can do... well, sort of:

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Quisque posuere porta sollicitudin. Proin varius, eros sagittis venenatis malesuada, mi nulla faucibus dui, ut viverra justo eros in enim. Praesent nulla quam, euismod ut iaculis vitae, aliquam vel eros. Fusce libero nisl, blandit et tincidunt molestie, euismod vitae mi. Phasellus vitae metus ante. Cras blandit mi at nisl varius lacinia. Mauris vestibulum ultricies faucibus. Nam rhoncus leo et diam congue vitae egestas felis pharetra. Sed fringilla, nisl id ultricies condimentum, augue sapien convallis orci, id hendrerit nunc magna in nibh. Proin et mi rhoncus elit ultrices pharetra.

Nam in arcu ligula, at interdum lacus. Fusce vitae nibh vitae felis fringilla luctus. Donec mollis cursus lectus, a viverra dolor porttitor vitae. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut dictum metus a lectus porta ullamcorper. Ut congue gravida sapien, vitae porttitor eros dictum vel. Mauris nec tortor elit. Donec fringilla feugiat ante, in sollicitudin velit laoreet in. Nulla euismod, velit id aliquam adipiscing, tortor ante laoreet est, id luctus mi velit eget ante. Donec nulla ipsum, commodo sit amet lobortis ut, semper faucibus turpis. Duis blandit ullamcorper dui ornare dignissim. Aenean vulputate, urna vitae fringilla elementum, nulla magna suscipit augue, vitae ullamcorper sapien diam sed augue. Donec consequat sollicitudin enim fringilla porttitor. Vestibulum aliquet, ipsum vitae luctus sollicitudin, massa massa cursus nisi, ac elementum ligula dui sed magna.

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Etiam aliquet malesuada nunc, nec fermentum odio blandit ac. Fusce sollicitudin ligula in nunc imperdiet vel imperdiet leo placerat. Morbi tempor nisi quis nulla lacinia pellentesque. Praesent quis purus quis lorem facilisis mollis sit amet sit amet lorem. Fusce porta augue eget ligula eleifend ut eleifend elit faucibus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse non ligula sit amet purus pulvinar venenatis.

Doing it the other way around can be a bit unpredictable depending on the browser you're using.
This little initiative will be quietly abandoned before the end of 2013.
Hopefully this will mean there'll be some more consistent moderation.

Originally posted by SYSTEM-J
This little initiative will be quietly abandoned before the end of 2013.

I hope not. But even if you're right, that won't stop me from trying ;)
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